I have the urge to create something again. I keep working on a Java Server Faces Portlet, that seems to be in a constant state of requirements change. Then again, when I think of creating something, I think of it as it will look when it's deployed. Lacking the gratification of a deployed application I have started something else on the side. I couldn't sleep tonight so I decided to give Grails a try. I have been messing around with Groovy for the past few months, more for scripting old Java code and testing new APIs.
After a few hours of playing, I think I've found something that will do 80% of what I need for application development. The domain model is simple, but should work for most cases where I only need one database. The GSPs are easy enough to work with, and I did take the time to look as a couple plug-in demos. If they keep maturing, this could become my development environment of choice. It feels like the Grails development team thought about the things that a developer needs to think about and created the tools to address each issue.
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