The boys wanted to know this weekend, what I do all day?
Most days (Monday - Saturday, Sunday I sleep until 0600) start around 0500. I check the main application server for ColdFusion seems to work better if the services are rebooted daily, scripted after a month of manual work. Then, check the database server. MicroSoft's SQL Server behaves badly if disk space is exhausted, so I check that and Server 2003 health. Now it's off to check the legacy applications. We have an old JSP/XLST application that needs to be checked manually, and an even older Coldfusion (5 cannot get support anymore) application that still needs to be checked by a human. There's some Liferay portals that fall over at the worst time that need to be manually checked, so they get some attention too.
Now I need to eat breakfast and get an hour of physical training. No credit given at work if I find a problem and correct it before the daily maintenance window ends at 0630. (Technically, we're all supposed to be there before 0800, I try for 0815 since I already have an average of an hour in before 0630.) I have to admit, the 35 minute drive to work is sweet, just enough time for an introduction to the world via NPR.
Most days, arrival at work are uneventful. We acquired a "company" in May that might require some special attention. Some days our marketing group wants something that a marketing group might find desirable, and this "company" finds inconvienent. So I create an estimate for how long it will take to create this feature given that the "company" never even considered that the death care industry would even want this feature. Finally, I may get to write some code that makes the whole thing run a little better.